(Lakota Advanced Volleyball Academy)

LSO Youth Volleyball also has 2 levels for more competitive play. LAVA and LAVA Club Lite.



The academy partners with CPYVL in both the spring and fall and participates in their league play.

Spring Season Details:
This season runs from mid-March thru mid-May.
2 practices a week are offered and games will be held on weekends.
Our home location is Spooky Nook and games will be played around the Greater Cincinnati Area.
The program will consist of 9-10 practices during the week and 6 games on weekends.
End of season tournament will be played mid-May.
Please register under the division that fits your child's age group.

Fall Season Details:
This season runs from mid-Aug thru end-Oct.
2 practices a week are offered and games will be held on weekends.
Our home location is Spooky Nook and games will be played around the Greater Cincinnati Area.
The program will consist of 9-10 practices during the week and 6 games on weekends.
End of season tournament will be played mid-Oct.
Please register under the division that fits your child's age group.
Tryouts are required for all LAVA teams participating..
When registering, you only need to select LAVA Tryouts to sign up and you will not be required to pay until after tryouts when you are notified for placement.
If your child does not make LAVA, they will be transferred into our LSO Recreation program. **LAVA is recommended for players at the intermediate and advanced levels.

Home Location: Lakota Schools/Local Churches/Spooky Nook

Practices: 2 days during the week varying 5-9pm

Games: Sat and Sun varying throughout the day

Fee includes: Jersey and practice shirt

You will need: Black shorts for games and knees pads required for practices/games

Volley-Lite Volleyballs are optional for grades 2-6

Regular Volleyballs are optional for grades 7-12

LAVA Club Lite

The academy holds sanctioned tryouts one-two times a year for players wanting to participate at this level. Tryout dates are specified on the OVR site and are hosted by LAVA in the spring for the upcoming year. ($15 Tryout Fee). Making this team requires a larger time/financial commitment.

OVR membership is required and players representing LAVA Club lite will follow OSHAA Rules.

Season Details:
This season runs from Nov-May/June.
Our home practice location is Spooky Nook, however our local schools are used at times.
Practices will be held starting in Nov and game play will run from Jan-April.
5-7 tournaments will be scheduled by the director and coaches.
They can be 1-to-2-day commitments with travel locally and regionally.
Ages offered vary each year by coach availability.
**LAVA Club Lite is recommended for players at advanced level.