Become a Soccer Referee
2025 Spring LSO SAY Soccer Referee Course Schedule
Lead Instructor: Scott Gall
LSO is proud to provide SAY Soccer Referee Training for this coming Fall season. The Course is designed for new referees and returning referees. For the returning referees, you must attend class once per calendar year, and take/pass the required test. If you do not attend the class you will not be allowed to take the test or referee this Fall. Please plan ahead and set your schedule early.
Age Requirement – For LSO you must be 13 years old during the calendar year. Check with your home organization if not from LSO.
Who needs to take the class?
All new and returning referees that do not have a referee badge with the word “CERTIFIED”, “STATE” or “NATIONAL” on it must take the class and pass the appropriate test one time per calendar year. You should take the test on your anniversary season each year, Spring or Fall. If it has been more than a year since your last class and you do not have a CERTIFIED badge you can take the test anytime.
Class Schedules
• Note class consist of two modules. You must attend both Modules A and B. You may attend either Module A but you must attend Module A before Module B.
Class Number 1 (Over age 13, NEW or returning referee ) - for Passers level and up • Module A – Saturday February 22nd, 2025
o 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
• Module B – Sunday March 9th, 2025
o 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Class Number 2 (Over age 13, NEW or returning referee) - for Passers level and up • Module A – Saturday March 8th, 2025
o 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
• Module B – Sunday March 9th, 2025
o 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
How Do I sign up for a class?
Go to the Lakota Sports Organization web page, Click on “Soccer”, Click on “Referees”, Click on “Signup to be a Referee” and fill out the form. Click on “Submit”. You are all set. If the dates are not correct just submit one of the dates.
Kids, bring an adult to the class to be a referee and both your class fee is FREE!!!!
Class Fee
$15.00 for new referees,
Make checks payable to “Lakota Sports Organization”, cash is OK but checks are best.
Class Location:
Telhio Credit Union/Crimson Cup
(On 747 across from Beckett Kroger, next to T-Mobile/Panera Bread)
8249 Market Pl Dr,
West Chester Township, OH 45069